IV Judgment

by Rex Yazılım Inc.


not available

<How to use>1.Lunch the "IV Judgment".
2.Select the "START" at the bottom of the screen. Note : This screen will close automatically when you select.
3.Launch App , Please view the detail screen that you want to judge.
4.Please select "START" from Notification tray. Note : If "START" and "FINISH" is not displayed, please flick Notification tray.
5.Please choose the Character by tapping "Select▼".
6.Enter the value by tapping each "HP", "CP", and "STARDUST".
7.When you tap the "JUDGE" appears the IV.
8.When you select the "FINISH" of the Notification tray, it will return to app. In order to exit the app, choose the "FINISH" at the bottom of the screen.